M/S JANNAT OVERSEAS has achieved the recognition of being one of the fastest growing recruitment agency and consultancy in the social development sector of Bangladesh. We are always on the move to find and provide high quality and flexible staffing solutions.

Our detailed activities incorporate administrative and public relations services, keeping close contact with the ministry of Expatriates welfare and overseas employment, keeping accounts, meeting legal requisites and assisting in immigration issues.
Assist you fill up your application form and prepare your curriculum vitae
Search the job market for you
Provide the complete job specification and information on the employer concerned
jobs for you that have not been advertised
Give advice on techniques to handle interviews and questionnaires
Present instant feedback on applications and interviews

Our experience and knowledge in gathering workforce can upgrade your business, taking it to an arena where others are revered. Our consultancy skills can improve your companys potentiality and productivity. All of our consultants deploy their expertise to understand how our services can provide the best and hence share that knowledge through a mutual relation between us and the client.

We take note of your requirement in household jobs.
We help summaries your job description and find suitable candidates as required.
We make a shortlist of the candidates as per your requirement and introduce you to these individuals.
We guide you through the process to recruit female domestic workers.